
Reiki Healing Bhopal

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Reiki Healing Bhopal : The word Reiki means Universal Life Force. It is a healing method based on the transfer of energy. Reiki is an integrated system of healing work at all levels of body, mind, and spirit.

Reiki is gentle, non-invasive, yet powerful in its effectiveness. It is a very useful technique to identify the symptoms and remove the cause of the disease. Reiki creates an immediate sense of relaxation, which reduces the biochemical effects of prolonged stress.

Reiki is also used for pain management in cancer patients. Reiki is also beneficial in heart disorders like high blood pressure and colic. It is not a religious but energy system. Reiki Healing Bhopal energy can be done through touch and distance.

Reiki is a Japanese word for the Cosmic healing energy. It is an ancient form of Tibtan Healing (lay-on-hands healing technique) rediscovered in the late 1800’s by Dr. Mikao Usui (an allopathic Physician & Surgeon) of Japan. It is a very simple yet a powerful technique that can be learned and practiced by anyone. Reiki (pronounced as ‘ray-key’) is a type of divine, pure and positive energy that finds its source in the Supreme Consciousness and is capable of healing everything and anything that one can think of. Reiki is the only miraculous gift of god which on account of its spiritual background, has been successfully tapped and practiced not only in the spiritual aspects of life but is also known to bestow the world of medical science with results that are thrilling, astounding and phenomenal.

Reiki is an inherent natural quality and a miraculous divine gift present in every human being which can be effectively used to heal self, others and almost everything and anything in the universe either distant or nearby, be it plants, animals, food, living, non-living etc.

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